Hi ✋,
I was recently working on signing Docker images and found a performance issue. In order to sign the image, I had to pull the image from the registry, calculate the hash and create the signature file, and push the new tag to artifactory. This process took a lot of time, especially if the image was large. I was looking for a way to optimise this process. I found a hack to remotely create new tags on JFrog and AWS ECR docker repositories without pulling and pushing the image. It’s a simple trick, but it can save you a lot of time. I will show you an example of how to do it on Github Actions
Classic method
docker pull artifactory.example.com/my-image:1.0.0
docker tag artifactory.example.com/my-image:1.0.0 artifactory.example.com/my-image:1.0.1
docker push artifactory.example.com/my-image:1.0.1
Below exampl pipeline steps uses JFrog API to fetch the image manifest and add new tag to the image $
tagged $
Pipeline configuration
DEVHUB_REGISTRY_URL: artifactory.example.com # JFrog registry url
DEVHUB_REPO_NAME: docker # JFrog docker repository name
IMAGE_NAME: my-image # Docker image name
SEMVER: 1.0.0 # Current image tag
TARGET_SEMVER: 1.0.1 # New image tag
Pipeline steps
Pipeline configuration
AWS_REGION: "" # AWS region name i.e us-east-1
AWS_WORKFLOW_ROLE: "" # AWS role arn
AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME: "" # AWS role session name
IMAGE_NAME: my-image # Docker image name
SEMVER: 1.0.0 # Current image tag
TARGET_SEMVER: 1.0.1 # New image tag
Pipeline steps
Warning: Authentication with AWS ECR requires AWS credentials. Please make sure you have configured AWS credentials in your pipeline. My example uses one of the possible methods to configure AWS credentials in GitHub Actions.
I hope the article at least intrigued you, you learned something new.
Please leave any comments to let me know. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly on:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichalMzr
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michmzr/
You can also find my posts on my second blog Geekowojażer.pl