PocketStats app - how to integrate with GetPocket Api and visualize reading stats
I am a person who likes to motivate myself through figures and compare my results with others. I spend most of my time on the Internet.
I subscribe a dozen newsletters, read the RSS feeds of dozens of blogs, browse social media like LinkedIn and Twitter regularly.
Every day there are a lot of links to sites, documents, tools I want to familiariz...
How to generate Spring Boot application yaml properties with Helm on Kubernetes
The current post is aimed at developers, people who already have some experience with Spring, k8s and helm. I hope you will find the post useful. I was looking for something similar myself and didn’t find it.
At the company, we work with microservices - mainly Spring Boot. We use Kubernetes and Helm to configure our microservices. We have ...
GCP - Associate Cloud Engineer - How to certificate
I have started working with Google Cloud Platform almost one year ago. It was my first serious contact with developing on cloud. I liked it and decided to speed up my personal development.
Why have I choose to start certification path from this certificate? Why I even bother to spend me time and energy on learning?
There is an opinion on the ...
Jak skutecznie zarządzać swoim drugim mózgiem – personalny system zarządzania wiedzą
24 września przeprowadziłem webinar pt. “Jak skutecznie zarządzać swoim drugim mózgiem - personalny system zarządzania wiedzą” na FB.
Podjąłem temat zarządzania informacją i wiedzą. Przeprowadziłem przez swoją historię korzystania z różnych narzędzi i jak zmieniało się moje podejście dt. budowania osobistego systemu produktywności. Do t...
13 post articles, 2 pages.